Please join us for the last meeting of the season as we present various awards and scholarships.
Elyse Ball, Vice President of Programming- Bounce Innovation Hub – Keynote Address: Path from Innovation to Successful Business: Helping Entrepreneurs Realize Technology Commercialization
Medal of Honor for Lifetime Service Awards will be presented to Dan Jones and Joe Mattingly. Our Hall of Honor inductee is Will Hemker, and the William C. Zekan Memorial Service Award will be presented to Tony Dean.
Program information:
♦ 5:00 Sign-up and Networking
♦ 5:30 Welcome and Introduction ‐
♦ 6:00 Dinner
♦ 6:45 Keynote Speaker: Elyse Ball, Vice President of Programming- Bounce Innovation Hub
♦ Following our Keynote Speaker: Awards: SPE Medal of Honor For Lifetime Service Award, SPE Hall of Honor, SPE William C. Zekan Memorial Service Award, Named Scholarships
♦ Special Thanks and Final Wrap‐up
Please reserve by May 8. Buy tickets online using the links below. For honorees and one guest for each honoree, the dinner is free, but please reserve the relevant number of places at the RSVP link below.
Honoree/Guest DInner ticket for
SPE Akron Chapter Awards Ceremony
May 19, 2025
Raintree Golf and Event Center